A Day in FOCUS

A day in FOCUS on New Haven will involve community site placement volunteering, exploring New Haven through visiting restaurants and small businesses, and bonding amongst FOCUS families through discussions and group activities. Below is a sample itinerary: 

Day 3 - Community Service Day


Event Name


8:00am - 8:45am

FOCUS Family Check-In

Breakfast at Saybrook/Branford

9:00am - 12:00pm

Community Volunteering

In conjunction with our community partners, students will lead site placement volunteering projects.

12:10pm - 12:50pm


Picnic-Style Lunches

1:00pm - 4:00pm

Community Volunteering

Students will continue volunteer projects. 

4:45pm - 6:00pm

Select Speaker Panel

Students will be able to hear from a selection of New Haven activists, scholars, and leaders on their pedagogies and praxis towards service in the city. 

6:30pm – On

Dinner & Group Activities

Dinner in Saybrook/Branford. Families will convene for hometowns/community reflections/exploration of the city and Yale.